Sunday, 12 February 2012

valentines ideas

Hello :) so... it's valentines day on Tuesday. I wont be seeing David on valentines day this year, or all this week, so our valentines day will be celebrated mainly through skype. But when we do see eachother, with a house to save for and a baby due in 4 weeks (eek!!), we wont be spending money on gifts and treats. But while browsing pinterest, I've been getting all inspired with all the cute little valentines ideas on there that will barely cost a penny! I thought I would share some of my favourite craft & food ideas that would make lovely little gifts for your valentine with things you probably have lying around the house or in kitchen cupboards. 

(click on the images to go to their original source)

I particularly love the deck of cards '52 things I love about you' idea (I did something similar to celebrate David and I being together 100 days. I filled a box with 100 paper hearts, with something I loved about him on each one) and the little valentines lunch box. I think any of these would make really cute little gifts, and combined with an evening snuggled up in front of a soppy film, or a walk in the snow (if it has reached where you are!) you can have a perfect valentines day without spending a fortune!

Im not saying what I'm doing, as David likes to read my blog now and again, but I'm definitely feeling very inspired by these! I will let you know :) We have our 6 year anniversary coming up soon too, so I may be using some for then...

Do you have any creative valentines ideas?

x ♥

p.s: I hope you all like the little makeover the blogs had! I was getting very frustrated and bored with it. I've updated my blog button as well,which you can get from the link under my header :)


  1. Oh my gosh! All of these are so cute! Nothing I've seen before! The apple one is so adorable, and I know I'd appreciate it, considering I haven't been able to eat an apple in over a year, thanks to my stupid braces!

    Jessica | Vixenelle

  2. Aw love the heart shaped bread!

  3. Awwwwwww these ideads are so cute :) great post I love it :)
    I hope you will follow my blog


  4. These are really inspiring. I love love the heart-shaped cakes !


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate all of them x