Sunday 17 July 2011

Graduation ♥

My David & I have graduated :)  It was a lovely day, with our families there and everyone we have been at uni with for the last 3 years. We wore the silly hats and the gowns that made us look like we were in Harry Potter, and now, university is finally over for good!!

This week my studio will be finished, and i am going to work really hard to get my shop up and selling in the next two weeks! I will be having a giveaway as soon as its all done, so I hope all of you will enter! There will be lots of goodies available for winning.

Congratulations to all the other people graduating or finishing school at the moment! 

x ♥


  1. Congrats on the graduation!

  2. congratulations to you both! xx

  3. congratulations! What an achievement! :D

  4. Congratulations, dearie! x

  5. congratulations darlin! you've worked so hard, enjoy this time! <3

  6. congratulations! i graduated yesterday. we can now officially put BA after our names! :) x


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