Monday, 10 June 2013


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Hi everyone! 

For several months now I've been wanted to do one of my usual Lily updates. You know the ones where since she was born, I've taken pictures of her in similar places/ poses so you can really see how she is growing and changing, and the most recent ones being in her little white chair? Well, I've been trying to take more recent ones for a new update, but it just isn't going to happen! If I sit her in her chair, she gets up and walks away. I try and take pictures of her standing, facing the camera, and of course that is extremely boring no matter what I try to distract and bribe her with, so she walks away to play with something else. It is impossible! I end up either with pictures of her back, or pictures where she is just a very happy blur! So I thought I'd share some of these with you- a little selection of photo's from several failed attempts at Lily update posts!

Lily is now 15 months old. She walks, she talks, she sings, she dances, she plays, she giggles. She throws tantrums. She draws & colours. She feeds, cleans & cradles her baby dolls. she knows the theme tunes to her favourite programs & sings along. She kisses & cuddles, she explores, she copies, she uses my makeup brushes to her makeup in the morning, she brushes her hair, she tries to put her shoes on the wrong feet. She dusts the living room with me, feeds the rabbits & pets them gently. Her hair is still a vibrant red, her eyes are a deep blue with flecks of green & gold. She knows her own mind, but is affectionate & loving. She is funny & sweet & will always be my baby, though I'm realising recently she has most definitely become a little girl. I am so proud of her & love her more than I could possibly explain. 

I think I will do a proper Lily update when she turns 18 months now. Like the others, with proper update pictures & a letter to her. But this is the best I could do for now!

x ♥


  1. What a lucky little girl to have such beautiful photos to look back at when she's older.
    Especially love the ones with motion blur and the rabbits!

    Best wishes,

  2. She's absolutely gorgeous! :) x

  3. time really is passing so quickly!! Lily is such a cute little girl <3

  4. Aw. she looks like a joyous bundle of loveliness, that must keep you busy. love her red hair.

    Jen | sunny sweet pea xx

  5. what a precious and beautiful little one you have

  6. Oh but look at her shouting at the window and playing with her cow (sheep??) and her climbing on the sofa skills!!!
    No white chair sitting needed! Love her!!!!!

    Her coat is AMAZING!!!

    Love you both


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate all of them x