Sunday, 10 March 2013







Hello everyone! I have been really awful at updating my blog again, I know. Sorry about that. My laptop, for some reason, decided to stop connecting to my camera. I have a whole stack of photo's I have been taking ready for blog posts, so now the problem is fixed expect a few posts in the next week or so! 
It would have made sense to write my planned blog posts in chronological order, however it didn't feel right to let this weekend pass without blogging about a certain little madams birthday...

My baby girl had her first birthday on Friday. Lily is a whole year old, and I know it's such a typical mum thing to say, but I can't believe how fast this last year has gone! My baby is growing up way too fast! How do I have a one year old already?!

On her actual birthday I had to work which was pretty horrible, but David took half a day off work, so that when I finished he was there too and we had a whole afternoon to celebrate. Lily wore her pretty new dress with sequins and hundreds of layers in her skirt which looked adorable and she loved dancing in, making the skirt swish from side to side! We got up extra early in the morning to open her presents and then after work we all went to my parents house and had a quiet but lovely little tea party for her there with scones and cucumber sandwiches and a rather messy looking but yummy chocolate cake I made! We spent Saturday in a big soft play activity centre then had an evening with her cousins and aunties and uncles. She has been completely spoilt with so many presents and seems to have loved every minute of her birthday! 

I cant believe it has been a whole year since this and how much she has changed. I will do her proper 12 month update soon, but it really feels like I blinked and my baby was gone. I now have a completely funny, beautiful, sweet little girl who I love with all my heart and I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with her!

x ♥

p.s: I have been getting tons of spam comments recently so I'm turning off anonymous commenting for while.


  1. Happy Birthday to Lily!! She's just getting more gorgeous all the time :) xx

  2. Happy Birthday sweet girl !!! Happy 1 :) She's so cute !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy Birthday, Lily! Happy one year of motherhood to you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. can't believe it's been a year either!! Happy birthday little Lily. She is so blumming cute!!

    Jen | sunny sweet pea xx

  7. awww happy birthday lily! it's so strange to watch how much she has changed over the year - she's so cute!


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